Genbox Family History Reviews
a publication of the Computer Genealogy Society of San Diego
"REVIEW: Genbox Family History", by Mike
Vol. 21 No. 4 - December 2008
Full text online (PDF)
" a real powerhouse, loaded with very extensive capabilities
and innumerable options that can be customized and tweaked to satisfy the most
demanding user. While it may take some work to wring out the maximum benefits
from all its features, it will pay off with pleasing results that would be
difficult or impossible to duplicate in other genealogy programs."
"Outside the Box: With its topnotch organizational
and chart-making capabilities, Genbox Family History breaks the typical
genealogy software mold."
In "The Toolkit", by Rick Crume
August 2004
"Most genealogy software falls into one of two categories: either it
produces great graphical charts or it offers useful tools for organizing your
family history, but not both... Genbox Family History 3.1 has quietly emerged as
one of those rare genealogy programs that handle both charts and organization
with aplomb."
"Genbox Family History 3.0", by Gordon Gray
April-June 2004
"I was extremely impressed with this software and found that it had all
the capabilities that an experienced genealogist would need. It appears to be
easy to learn... It is an excellent value for the price.."
"Genbox Family History 3.0", by Dick Eastman
Vol. 8 No. 7 - February 17, 2003
Full text online
"I found
Genbox Family History 3.0 to be an excellent genealogy program. It tracks almost
all the data elements that experienced genealogists expect. It is easy to use
and has a wide variety of printed charts and reports, along with Web reports and
support for multimedia..."
"Genbox Family History 3", Computers and Genealogy,
by Mark Lang
Vol. 11 Issue 5 - May, 2003
"I really did
have fun creating all the different types of charts available...Genbox is a
full-featured product and a powerful one at that. I believe its strengths come
from the expansive amount of preferences allowable..."
"Genbox Family History 3.0", by Denise L.
Vol. 18 Issue 6 - June, 2003
"The Current State of Genealogy Software", by Jim
Vol. 7 Number 6 - July/August, 2003
(presents an overview of six software packages)
"Genbox is a
complex, unique and evolving genealogy database program...Many of the interface
elements can be customized... The default sentence template for events is shown
and you can preview the sentence and footnote... As expected, a program that
evolved from a charting program has a wealth of graphical charts and an
extensive set of reports."
"Genbox Family History"
Issue 62 - October, 2003
(Reviews five genealogy programs and includes CDROM)
"The sheer ocean of information you can enter into Genbox Family
History is enormous... Sourcing your research is paramount in genealogy and
Genbox enables you to record this in as much detail as you require... This
program is far superior to many other genealogy efforts we've seen over the
"Genbox Family History 3.0.18", by Bill Mumford
Vol. 29 Number 5 - September/October, 2003
"The design of Genbox has been influenced by the NGS GENTECH Data
Model, and embodies much of the current thought on how a genealogical
database should be structured. It is designed to permit the recording of all
evidence as it is gathered, thus allowing the researcher to track the progression
of a research project from its inception to the final assertion."
"Genbox Family History 3.1.4", by David Allen
Vol. 4 nos. 5-6 - Holiday, 2003
"Download this program to see how versatile it is. I think you will
find Genbox Family History will support all of your database needs, as well as
offer spectacular charts and reports of your data."